We're finally bringing you Part 1 of the Greenhouse video. It's 20 minutes long, so it shows most of the pain, but if you want the really juicy bit, go to about the 9:55 minute mark! Unfortunately this was mostly filmed before we got our fancy microphones.
We got the kit from Build With Hubs. It's very cool! You just have to cut your stick to the correct length for the diameter you want and bang. Well, not really bang, but the construction itself is pretty quick. It's like an adult toy and that's awesome.
It isn't completely straightforward though and we'll plan better next time. I naively thought that the thing was going to fit perfectly, because all the sticks were all cut correctly, but each hub has a bit of movement and the whole thing can go a little haywire, especially when it's this big (we went for 4m across) and you can't reach the top ones to check or untwist them. It's also difficult to move, the whole thing has a life of it's own.
I'd recommend a level base and really setting out the base connections. When we marked out the base, it wasn't strictly speaking level and the posts were difficult to get just right in the first place. Even so, more planning - better!
Our neighbour was very patient with us, and helped us with the base and with the lifting. He also thought it was cool looking and that's all that matters! Also, it was fun!
Part 2 will be the base (raised beds) and the cover. There might be a Part 3 (doors and windows). We'll see how it goes...