Look what we found at the mill! A stone bearing!!!
We have it on good authority (Dr. Colin Rynne) that it is the only one known in Ireland, still in-situ.
We're looking forward to doing some archaeological recording of this with Colin next week.
A stone bearing is something that dates back to medieval mills as it is an early and quite primitive solution with lots of power lost through friction, but it seems it's also a very vernacular solution and we are finding that those who ran our mill in the past used mostly what was around. It makes it all so much more special to us!
And what else did we get up to this long weekend, you ask? Chris and I discovered some water ingress (a.k.a. a leak) through the bead between the caravan wall and the awning so we tried to do a little repair job (pictured below) but only time will tell if this stands the test of... weather?

We also took down a couple of leftover scaffolds we used to clear the ivy in February, which means we will no longer be able to enjoy the views below:
I've done more work on the post box and it'll be ready to put up next time we're at the mill so you can all look forward to the super long video documenting 2 months worth of (occasional) work. I also planted some more holly (hedge) so I can take the pots home. Speaking of which...
And to continue of last year's gardening work I've started preparing some raised beds for the plantlings I've been growing at home. I planted some beans and peas (these are my "take two" beans as the first lot were planted directly into the bed in November and got dug out and eaten so I've done some pre-culturing over winter. These have just gone in to toughen them up to the sub-zero temperatures due next weekend, over the course of this warmer week. Gardeners out there, please do not despair! I will google it next time when I have more time. At the moment I'm just chancing it. I've started lots of seeds at home and now I'm wondering where to put them all as the time is getting nearer. We still have the greenhouse to complete. I think there might be a whole post coming up about the Garden 2023.
There will be lots happening this week as we're looking to trial-move into the caravan, with Scoundrel and Seth Harbinger of Chaos.
Watch this space!